
So here is the progress of the Lounge, still not completely finished, but it is liveable and comfortable.
 Stripping the old Woodchip wallpaper...

 Still stripping the wallpaper... took a while.

 In this you can see two old pipes by the utility door which I removed.

 Adding ceiling paper

 Here you can see the pipes removed.

 You can see the lino floor under the old carpet, which we are keeping for now as the actual wooden floorboards have no insulation under!

 Walls painted with White undercoat.
 Started painting the Terracotta colour on the walls!
 Sampling what to have above the Fireplace.
 Cutting in...
 Cutting in.....
 Cutting in.....

 Definitely like the wallpaper 'wall' over the fireplace!

 Wallpaper 'wall' finished! 
 Somewhat finished Lounge! Leaving one wall bare for future modding. 
 Painting in the red skirting.

A little walk through Video of the lounge about 90% done!!
Taken about a week and a half for this room (minus the one wall)


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